Having trouble sleeping? You’re not alone—and it could be costing you more than just a restless night and sleepy day, according to recent research, which showed that people with insomnia are much more likely to experience associated healt...
Deborah TysonJune 1, 2018
LOVE these simple, practical poses to get a better nights sleep. I have been an avid yoga practitioner for 30 years and have never thought of using these poses to help me get to sleep. I am looking forward to trying them out. Thankyou Dawn.
Aga OJune 1, 2018
Oh, I will try some of the tips tonight! Can I find somewhere online some of your other suggestions to fall asleep easier? Maybe with some videos/photos included?
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
A kiss, or several throughout the day, can strengthen your bond with your partner. Obvious? Maybe, but it’s such an easy, delightful fix, that we thought we’d remind you to lock lips more often. Kissing stimul...