The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. ~ Robin Sharma Misinformation is a real problem in the era of technology and ever-present connectivity. But, long before the days of smartphones, Twitter, and Facebook, we were already livi...
Just being ordinary in itself is an expression of Divinity; the truth of one’s real self can be discovered through the pathway of everyday life. To live with care and kindness is all that is necessary. ~ David Hawkins I’m not sure if...
Sometimes, when we get stuck in our wounded self, it is hard to wind our way out of it. I’ve noticed what I do when I’m happy and my frequency is high, as opposed to when my frequency feels low.
It is helpful to me to keep a list of ways...
The strength of my marriage is that we both do it alone, and we do it together. In fact, the most successful relationships that I have seen professionally, enjoy this very principle.
Spirituality—for so many, there is a conflicting meaning to this ...
If we are willing to stand fully in our own shoes and never give up on ourselves, then we will be able to put ourselves in the shoes of others and never give up on them. ~ Pema Chödrön
Your ego develops to keep you safe from threats and dangers, that you may experience in life. It aims to protect you by closing you down and creating a hard shell (known as a defence, or a coping mechanism). It then judges and keeps you separate...
Entering the kingdom of God means feeling, as if we were floating in the womb of the universe, that we are being taken care of, always, at every moment. ~ Stephen Mitchell
Something inside is metamorphosing and many of the things that onc...
A great line from The Wizard Of Oz that is still relevant today.
During morning meditation today, I keep hearing "You always had the power". I am blessed to be able to work from home. I am even more blessed that daily,...
…believe me, you're not just lying around if you offer yourself to the Divine. It's a shift from indulging the small self to serving the Great One ~ Tosha Silver
I went with my sister to a reading by Tosha Silver from her new book, Change...
The ego never has enough of anything, so if we listen to the ego, we will feel that we don’t have enough, even when we do. ~ Gina Lake How often – even in the midst of a generally happy and comfortable life – are you aware of a sens...