Discover when controlling opens your heart and when it closes you down and blocks your connection with your spiritual guidance.
The kind of control that actually blocks our ability to access spirit is when we try to control what we can’t control su...
Sometimes, when we get stuck in our wounded self, it is hard to wind our way out of it. I’ve noticed what I do when I’m happy and my frequency is high, as opposed to when my frequency feels low.
It is helpful to me to keep a list of ways...
There is no better time than now to practice Inner Bonding in numerous areas of your life.
Emotionally and Spiritually
Please be very kind and gentle with yourself. It’s very important to not allow your wounded self to scare you, because our ...
Discover what creates true healing and lasting change for you.
I have worked with many people who sought me out after years and years of talk therapy without finding the healing they sought. I’ve also worked with people who have spent years in vari...
Kevin shares his inner battle that led to him to choose to be a loving adult.
Some years back, I had the moving experience of working with Kevin (not his real name), a thirty-seven year old very talented branding artist we had hired to work on our websit...