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Want to improve your mood? Did you know that food may be a significant piece of the puzzle?
The science behind food’s effect on mood comes down to chemical and physiological changes in our brain structure which can lead to altered behaviour. Today I’m sharing my favourite mood foods that have been proven to alter your metabolism and brain chemistry, ultimately affecting your energy level and mood.
There is so much hope for your mood in food! The science is showing that you can literally eat your way to happiness, so here are some of my top picks for foods that can boost your emotional health…
Fish Oils
A 2012 study reveals that fish oil increases transmission of serotonin in the brain which controls emotion. Because of their ability to increase serotonin levels, fish oils are a lovely mood food to include in your diet. Sardines are my all time favourite source of omega-3 fatty acids and are an affordable and potent source of mood-boosting fish oils. Try them in my Smashed Sardines with Avocado on Quinoa and Flaxseed Loaf for your next brekky option.
Brazil Nuts
Did you know that brazil nuts are the richest source of the mineral selenium, which helps combat depression? Studies have shown that a small handful of brazil nuts every day can help improve your emotional health. I like to enjoy them as an on-the-go snack, or chopped and sprinkled over yoghurt with grated dark chocolate. Enjoy a hit of happiness by throwing some extra brazil nuts in my delightful Coconut and Almond Bliss Balls.
Broccoli is a staple veg in my diet. It’s rich in B vitamin folate, which is essential for a healthy mood. Low intakes of the B vitamin folate has been linked to depression, and the great news is that Vitamin B also promotes healthy hair and skin, which boosts your self-confidence as your complexion glows. I like to steam broccoli and enjoy with white fish, or in a risotto. I also adore cramming in this mood-boosting green in my earthy Broccoli Soup.
Ginger is a gorgeous warming root that has been shown to increase neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are chemicals used by brain cells to communicate with each other. They control your ability to focus, concentrate, remember, and regulate mood, cravings, addictions and sleep.
Ginger increases levels of these important brain chemicals, including dopamine, which is considered the “motivation molecule” that helps you get focused and be productive. It’s also in charge of your pleasure-reward system. Fresh ginger root (especially when sliced into a mug with hot water) also assists in stabilising anxiety and panic. One of my favourite ways to enjoy ginger is in my Stir-fried Ginger Beef; a super speedy and delicious dinner mid week.
Blueberries can help prevent the release of cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal gland during stressful situations, which travels to the hippocampus (a major portion of your brain) and provides emotional responses. Berries can help control and counter the effects of this hormone’s impact on your mood.
Berries are loaded with anthocyanidins, known to boost brain function and antioxidants, which promote brain and nervous system health. Berries are also low in sugar and calories, so pile them on! Enjoy a boost of blueberries in this super antioxidant filled Blueberry and Kakadu Plum Ice-cream which will impress your guests with its unique blend of superfood flavours.
Here’s to eating your way to a happy mood!
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