Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Mojo came into our lives about six months ago. We adopted him from a rescue centre picturing a blissful life with the latest addition to our family. However as one-year-old Mojo had been at a rescue centre for nearly the whole his life, he was not used to being loved and had what we called a “stuff you” attitude.
This attitude was never more present than when I used to take him for his early morning walk in the park. Previously this had been a sacred part of the day, where I would wander around the park communing with nature, returning home feeling peaceful and of ready to start the day. Time at the park was also one of Mojo’s favorite parts of the day where he would run around, with seemingly an endless supply of energy. Mojo would frolic and play with his doggy friends, and when I called him to go home, he would look over his shoulder and give me a “stuff you” look before running in the opposite direction.
Initially, I would call gently and lovingly: “Mojo come back,” however the further he would run the more I would begin to yell, my voice getting louder and louder and more desperate, as I began to feel the time pressure of needing to get the children ready for school. Mojo would run faster and faster from one side of the park to the other with me running after him yelling his name. Eventually, I would catch him and stomp home feeling stressed, frustrated and anything BUT peaceful.
After a few weeks of this morning ritual, I met a friend of mine in the park who is the head animal trainer of Taronga Zoo, in Sydney. She said: “How is Mojo going?” I replied: “He is a complete nightmare, he will not come when I call him!” She said, “Do you make it fun for him?” I started to justify myself with “I don’t have time… umm… I used to try, but now I get frustrated.” She said: How do you think we train all the wild animals at the zoo and get them to do what we want—by making it fun for them.” I knew she was right, and I had the huge reminder that to get MY MOJO BACK, I NEEDED TO MAKE IT FUN.
I simultaneously was reminded that I also needed to apply this lesson in many other areas of my life. I remembered that when you oppose something, you maintain it, as stated in Newton’s third law of motion: “For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.” The more I yelled trying to force Mojo to come to me, the further he would run away. From then on I made sure that I called Mojo in the most fun-loving, happy voice, I could muster. He got doggie treats, a pat on his head, scratches on his tummy and behind the ears with constant praise and needless to say he now runs eagerly towards me when I call him.
So I learnt the lesson that: You get your Mojo back by making life fun!
Here are some ways that you can apply this lesson to other areas of your life:
- When you want to approach a difficult topic in any of your relationships, try to do it in a fun, light and easy way as discussed in my eCourse Bliss Every Day. John Gottman, relationship expert and co-founder of The Gottman Institute, has found that people who have mastered successful relationships bring up problems gently and without blame (Gottman’s Marriage Tips 101, 2004). They can express what they feel and what they need gently. His research found that discussions invariably end on the same note as they begin.
- When you need your children to do something, such as have a bath, try to make it fun for them, which in turn will make it fun for you. Children thrive in a fun-loving household.
- When you react or sometimes do things you regret, try to learn the lessons, while being kind and compassionate and using your loving voice towards yourself. Try not to take yourself too seriously.
You will find yourself flowing with life when you make it fun.
Discover the path to peace and happiness with Deborah’s course, here.