I believe we all agree that 2020, has been a most challenging year for many of us! This gives us all the more reason to tap into the opportunity of a new start that the New Year brings.
The fear and instability of 2020 have made us look to the one place that we can find true peace and stability—regardless of external events—and that is within. 2020 has made it clear, how important it is to become the master of our mind, rather than our mind mastering us, and to refocus on the positive and good for 2021.
We have come to realise how important it is to become the master of our mind, rather than our mind mastering us.
Traditionally New Year’s is a time to make New Year’s resolutions, giving us the chance to focus on the things we want to create, rather than letting fear, stress and worry determine the direction of our life. Our mind is our most powerful tool in making our dreams become a reality. However, it is also possible for our mind to sabotage our best intentions when any negativity from our unconscious creeps in (our fears) and takes over what our mind is thinking.
Our mind is a tool that creates the life what we want based on what we feed it—if we feed our mind negative thoughts consistently, it will create negative outcomes. We all have negative thoughts from time to time, however, when we are aware of what we thinking, we can change those thoughts to ones that support us.
Self-awareness, allows us to consciously train our mind by feeding it positive thoughts and beliefs. Rather than our mind being in control, we can consciously determine the direction of our life. Setting our intentions by choosing our New Years resolutions is a powerful way to do this.
100 New years resolutions, to inspire and kick start 2021:
- Learn to paint
- Meet someone new, every week!
- Take up salsa lessons
- Become a vegetarian
- Learn to cook Mexican food
- Hug more trees
- Learn to communicate more effectively
- Consume less sugar
- Learn how to play the violin
- Do something new, every day!
- Work in a career you are passionate about
- Move out of home
- Overcome your fear of heights
- Strive to be noticed more at work
- Become a vegetarian
- Start reading for pleasure
- Run a marathon
- Take up rafting
- Start a family
- Quit Smoking
- Use less social media
- Learn rock climbing
- Finally, learn how to ride a bike
- Take up Yoga
- Do something outside your comfort zone, once a week
- Spend the year abroad
- Be more giving
- Give greater focus to your studies
- Start a diet
- Be more assertive
- Take up knitting
- Eat more greens
- Learn a language
- Drink more water
- Become more flexible
- To believe in myself 100%
- Try being more social
- Laugh more often
- Be more friendly
- Practice being grateful
- Compliment myself and someone else daily
- Learn to relax
- Visit the snow
- Go on an adventure holiday
- Start a business
- Do 50 pushups every day
- Be more mindful
- Ask someone about their day, every day
- Repair your relationship with a loved one
- Spend more time with your children
- Take a greater interest in sport
- Visit parents more often
- Move to a new city
- Go to Uni
- Consolidate and overcome any debts
- Take up volunteer work
- Participate more actively in your religion
- Drink less coffee
- Tie the knot
- Write a novel
- Cook a dish you have never made, once every week
- Get a promotion
- Graduate
- Get a new haircut you have never had
- Buy new clothes and throw out the old
- Get a tattoo
- Have tattoo removed
- Decorate your house with flowers
- Strive to clean more often
- Do a good deed, every day
- Learn to meditate
- Join a gym and exercise actively
- Widen your friendship circle
- Get a pet
- Be more optimistic
- Reach out to old friends you have fallen out of touch with
- Discover what your passion is
- Lose weight
- Focus on saving money
- Drink less/no alcohol
- Enjoy life to the fullest
- Watch less TV
- Be more self-disciplined
- Sleep more
- Reduce stress
- Let go of a grudge
- Sleep when your body needs it
- Be more romantic
- Start a journal
- Leave behind an unhealthy relationship
- Improve charisma
- Be more responsible
- Start a blog
- Play fewer video games
- Learn to sing
- Do plank exercises every day
- Take beautiful inspiring walks
- Make an app
- Overcome a fear
- Be more punctual
The New Year a wonderful opportunity to consciously create new beginnings, a fresh start. A chance to grow your awareness, learn from last year and be all the wiser and content for it. Happy New Years everyone from all the Blisspot Team. We hope 2021 is one of peace, joy and fulfilment.