I’m GRATEFUL for my amazing father, Thomas Lorentz! My dad taught me how to overcome difficult times by staying positive and being grateful.
My dad is the 11th child out of 14 brothers and sisters, he grew up in a (very crowded) two-bedroom NYC tenement on the West Side. At age 16, he lost his mother to cancer and left high school to take care of his younger brothers and sisters. Even at 77 years old, he still successfully runs his own company (Lorentz & Son Flooring), is an active member of the NY Shriners and Masons. Dresses up as a clown and entertains sick children with magic tricks and balloon animals. Organizes and runs large charity events to raise money for over 20 Shriner’s Hospitals for Children. My parents have been happily married for 55 years and are still in love! I’m also grateful for my mother because behind every great man is a great woman.

Practising gratitude on a daily basis can make you happier, lower stress, protect you from depression, increase sleep, boost your immune system and improve your relationships.
Gratitude is paying attention to what you have rather than focusing on what you don’t have.
It is finding satisfaction from what is around you and paying attention to the people, situations and things that make your life worthwhile.

I recommend including one or all five of these practices into your daily life:
- Check-in daily! Before you go to bed, ask yourself what are you grateful for? Say three things you are grateful for. They can be small things like …not hitting traffic on your way to work, eating an amazing meal, spending the day at the beach with your family.
- Staying Positive You might take your life today for granted but chances are you have been through some difficult times that have shaped the person you are today. Remembering how far you have come and all that you have overcome can help you remember how much you have to be thankful for today.
- Stop Comparing Yourself to Others When you compare what you have, how you look or anything else to others, you often come up short. Remember that you are not here to measure up to someone else, you are here to be the best you can be. When you catch yourself comparing yourself to someone else, stop and reword your thought to show your appreciation for everything wonderful that is you!
- Say Thank You Gratitude can be the most wonderful gift you give yourself and others. Say “Thank you” to the people in your life you are grateful for. Let them know what they mean to you. Not only will you make their day, but you will also feel uplifted for having shared your gratitude.
- Practice Mindfulness Mindfulness is living completely in the present moment. It helps you stay focused and calm. It shuts out worries about the future or regrets and heartaches of the past. It reminds you that “this moment” is the most important moment and the only one that matters.
To learn more about gratitude see: Stress Management