Shining the Blisspot Light on Men’s Mental Health
Our friends at Movember started a movement to change the face of men’s health, with an aim to reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25%.
What is the Men’s Mental Health Challenge and Why is It Important?
Movember states that tragically: “Across the world, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day, with males accounting for 75% of all suicides.”
Over 5 million mighty mustaches later, people all over the world are now taking inspired action to support the men’s mental health charity to raise awareness of suicide prevention, along with prostate and testicular cancer.

How to Improve Men’s Mental Health
This article will look at male mental health in more detail, sharing real examples of five Blisspot experts who make their life lessons on men’s health and wellbeing available to help others.
We want everyone to know how to get personal support and access resources to be proactive in improving physical, emotional, or mental health, in whatever ways work best for you.
This includes workplace wellbeing and wellbeing programs for employees as well as personal resources.
Mental Health is Just as Important as Physical Health
Traditionally, men have been encouraged to be active and focus on physical health. However, mental health is also extremely important to improve your quality of life.
Male mental health includes psychological, emotional, and social well-being, impacting how you think, feel, and behave across all areas of life.

One in four people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives.
~ World Health Organization.
Why Men’s Mental Health is Important
We all have ups and downs, good and bad days, but some people may experience feelings as though they cannot cope. This can range from feeling unmotivated to feeling suicidal. It is important to know that no matter how hard it can seem, there is always hope, you always have options and help is always available.
“Suicide is the leading cause of death for men under 50” according to NHS England. This is a heartbreaking men’s health statistic. We don’t want to lose any more husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, uncles and mates.
The Samaratans state that “Only a third of people who die by suicide have been in contact with specialist mental health services in the year before their death.”
These men’s mental health quotes highlight an issue that needs urgent attention, which can no longer be overlooked.
Why is Men’s Mental Health Overlooked?
There are a variety of reasons why male mental health may have been overlooked in the past. Men may be reluctant to get help or speak out and it’s not always easy to know where to start, who to talk to, or how to find the right support. This article aims to help address that.
It can also be hard to open up about your feelings. Stereotypes of masculinity are about being tough, strong, and not showing any emotions or weakness. This can lead to many men silently struggling with depression, feeling ashamed or unable to speak out, which makes it worse.
“Stress is the world’s leading cause of disability” according to the World Health Organization, who found that the mental-health crisis costs $1 trillion a year to the global economy because of lost productivity.
Knowing how to manage stress at work and support emotional wellness in the workplace are so important. There are many options available and you can feel empowered to make the choice about what is best for you.
How to Support Men’s Mental Health
With increased awareness of the vast resources available for employee wellbeing, men and mental health comes hope that less people will suffer in silence. Having the right support at the right time and place could make all the difference.
For example, Blisspot offers a new, innovative way of promoting proactive wellbeing, providing access to a range of personalized solutions, available online 24/7. There is plenty of support, people to talk to and help available, in whichever format best suits you.

The Important Thing to Remember is that You Are Not Alone
There are people you can talk to about how you feel, people who understand, people who may have been there themselves and have dedicated their life’s work to helping others overcome their greatest challenges.
Here are five such experts who support men’s mental health in various ways
1. Adrian Hanks: is a psychotherapist, counselor, coach, teacher, writer, and Blisspot author of Men’s Health: 7 Ways To Improve Your Health and Wellbeing.
Adrian shares more about his own story in his Men’s Health course:
“I had a pretty rough start to life and was quite a wild teenager and went off the rails… I ended up in Australia in my twenties and started to look at my lifestyle… I saw so many people deteriorating and suffering from dis-ease. I started to attend to my own health and got the sense of the importance of that.”
Adrain shares an analogy of how important health is on many levels – the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. He says that if you imagine these four areas of health like wheels on a car, if one of those is a bit flat or out of alignment, it’s going to be a bumpy ride and eventually you may break down. The aim is to get them all running evenly.
Adrian is one of the experts who generously shared their expertise on the FREE Wellbeing Care Package. This valuable gift features a series of one-hour retreats with world-class wellness leaders and a personal playground of wellbeing for you to enjoy and explore.
Adrian has helped “hundreds if not thousands of people over the last few decades” to improve their health and wellbeing. Through his Men’s Health course, he wants to help you “Get on track and stay on track so that you can become more than you are right now.”
2. David Alan is a writer, educator, podcaster and Blissport author of Majesty Mindset.

David is the producer of Inspirational Living Podcast, one of the most popular self-development podcasts available with over 10+ million downloads. He is also the creator of the AutoSuggestion Sound Method™ used in his popular Majesty Mindset program, developed exclusively for Blisspot.
This unique audio meditation reboots your subconscious mind with thoughts and feelings to transform every area of your life, to bring greater success and happiness.
David works towards helping people develop a success mindset that impacts every area of their personal and professional lives. Special focus is placed on self-reliance, perseverance, courage, positivity, self-confidence and emotional-mastery.
3. Warren Broad is a clinical hypnotherapist, addictions coach, therapist, & counselor.

Warren brings years of extensive education and professional experience as a Counsellor, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and three-time best-selling author to Blisspot. His areas of specialty include anxiety and depression, addictions and compulsions, relationships and sexual therapy.
Warren created the empowering coaching and support programs, Recovery In The Now Program and Conquer Addiction. His unique teaching model helps students and clients understand their own actions to gain control over unwanted behaviours.
Warren says that his philosophy is built on his own personal life trials and is now dedicated to helping people make positive changes in their lives every day. Warren says:
“I believe deeply that we can all be the person we want to be. Despite the kind of trauma or difficulty, I know you can overcome it.”
4. Vance Larson – C.H.H.C., M.Ht, and CTC Life – describes himself as a Concierge Life Coach and has been a crisis counselor for over 20 years.
Vance believes that every person has the wisdom within them to make the most out of their life. He sees Life Coaching as both an alliance and partnership that empowers the client to reconnect with their own power and create the life they want.
As a Concierge Life Coach, Vance offers the highest level of convenience as he does not keep regular office hours and depending on your needs, offers 24/7 availability. You can book a one-to-one session here.
Vance has a degree in Transformational Counseling. He is currently a member of the National Center for Crisis Management, International Association of Professional Life Coaches, Professional Advisors, Coaches & Trainers and the National Guild of Hypnotists.
Vance uses a holistic approach when coaching. He takes into consideration the whole person and not just the problem areas to create a life’s balance that brings lasting joy and strength.
You can book private one-to-one sessions here.
5. Tony Fahkry is a self-empowerment expert, coach, and author of the most popular collection of self-mastery resources at Blisspot.
Tony has been on a lifelong quest to empower others and believes everyone has great potential within them. Tony provides one-to-one coaching, plus has created a whole collection of empowering resources on Blisspot.

Tony’s Blisspot courses include:
Tony is on a mission to awaken people’s authentic self to realize their highest potential. He helps people bring their genius talents and gifts to life, aligned to their greatest values.
You Can Try all of The Blisspot Courses, Meditations, and Programs FREE
Blisspot offers full access to over 160+ resources from over 80 doctors, psychologists, therapists, councilors, coaches, and teachers, giving you everything you need to support your wellness journey. Sign up for free now.
Empowering Your Wellbeing for Life
Taking care of your mental, emotional, and physical health should never be underestimated or undervalued. Your health and wellbeing is the most precious thing you have in life.
As this article shows, there is a wealth of different types of mental health support for men and women available. From online courses and coaching programs, to subliminal audios to reprogram your subconscious, to personal and private one-to-one sessions.
By focusing on men’s health and mental health, Blisspot wants to help raise awareness and provide helpful resources to help people improve their overall health.
We want to support our friends, colleagues, teams, and businesses with the support, resources, and wellbeing solutions they need to thrive, available 24/7 from anywhere in the world.
Try Blisspot Completely Free
Join Blisspot and over 80+ experts, doctors, psychologists, therapists, coaches, and teachers sharing over 160+ resources, courses, challenges, meditations, podcasts, and more.
- Set your goals and track your success with your Personal Wellbeing Index on your own private dashboard.
- Receive personal recommendations and curated content based on what matters most to you and what areas you want to improve in your life.
- Connect with a supportive community to share your journey and experiences with others, so you never need to feel alone.
Enjoy personalized and proactive health and wellness solutions to feel happier, healthier, and more fulfilled at
Special Free Gift

Blisspot has also created a complimentary Wellbeing Care Package, which includes:
- A series of one-hour RETREATS, featuring experts and guided meditations.
- Free EVENTS you can join LIVE to ask Blisspot authors your questions.
- Your very own PERSONAL PLAYGROUND of wellbeing to explore.
This is all available now at no charge, as a gift to support your wellbeing for life.
If you need urgent or immediate help and support there are always options available:
- Speak to your doctor or healthcare provider.
- If your life is in immediate danger, call your emergency response number or visit your Emergency Room (A&E).
- Get help from mental health charities and dedicated support services, such as
- Mind, who also offer this helpful ‘Ways to help yourself cope in a crisis’
- The Samaritans, UK, have numbers you can call to speak to someone.
- Helplines in Australia for 24/7 mental health services
- Mental immediate help with mental health in America.