It’s no doubt that 2020 is the year of the mask. Not so much because we have been cautioned to wear one, but because fear reveals who people truly are. The mask has come off for so many. While many have spent their time complaining about what a bad year it’s been, the awakened soul delights that the masks are coming off.
It would be easy for me to say it has been a bad year. Instead, I focused on realignment. With so many masks coming off, I spent this time focusing on my tribe. Conflict shows true character and the character of my tribe has never been stronger. What masks have come off for you this year? What did you learn about yourself, tribe, and belief system? When the pandemic hit, did you focus or fold? Truth is, it matters not. The point is, what are you going to do now?
While so many are unmasked, use this time to your advantage. Those people who you were unsure about, without a mask, I am sure there is clarity. 2020 doesn’t have to be the year of the loss. It can be a year of the lesson. Most of us had to deal with some major changes. However, change can be exciting. Clearing out space in your life is rewarding. Dropping of a belief system can be empowering. If 2020 was a test, how would you grade yourself?
Through my practice, I have learned that many people were misled by the masks. Couples that had to quarantine together quickly became non-couples. One of the common themes I’ve heard was, “They were not who I thought they were”. Mask off, different person.
What I didn’t see coming was when a business or company wore a mask. Some companies really tried to take care of their employees. Others didn’t give them any consideration. Mask off.
Yes 2020 has been challenging, however, it is only as strong as your response. Do you focus or fold? Do you complain, or embrace the change. Most importantly, when someone takes their mask off, remember what you see. It is not that often, that so many show who they really are. Build your tribe. This time, without anyone who is masked.
To learn more, book a one-on-one session with Vance.