Being alone is not the same as being lonely.
You can actually enjoy solitude without feeling alone by:
- Read a good novel by your favorite writer. Time will pass quickly. In order to find a good book from the comfort of your home, you can order on Amazon or download the book of your choice from a free site. There are so many sites available nowadays that offer free books to download that you can enjoy reading instantly.
- Go for a pleasant stroll around your block. Enjoy the sun rays enveloping you if it is a sunny day or enjoy the wind fluttering through your hair if it is a cold, windy day. Either way, you will feel more like yourself.
- Get a great cookbook and start cooking interesting and delicious recipes. You can have a good time doing it by yourself. Then, call up a friend to come over and share your delicious food. Their appreciation of your food and you doing something nice for someone else will feel good.
- Plant a garden around your home. You can start with vegetables which will benefit you for meals or grow beautiful flowers to beautify your home. Either way, it’s a happy way to pass the time. Adding fertilizer, regular watering and weeding will nurture your garden and are good for your mind and soul.
- Get some paint, a paintbrush and a drawing board with some paper and start painting. You can paint from a postcard or a picture initially while you are developing your skills. Gradually you may develop your own ideas and paint from real life or even your imagination. The more your skills improve the more you will enjoy it.
- Write a novel or a fiction story. You can develop characters and design the plot first, or your book can be based on real-life experiences that you want to share with the world.
- Play your favorite songs and sing along with them. You can improve your singing skills by taking up singing lessons in your local area. And time will fly by.
These my tips on how you can enjoy being by yourself without feeling lonely. I do hope you got some new ideas. So take action and dive in!

Exactly Deborah. We need to find our passion on this earth and put our all into it and then who has the time to be lonely?