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Pets can be a great source of happiness in life; acting as a companion to a lonely someone or a valued member and that extra bit of fun for a family. Although the communication between humans and animals is limited, pets are the gift that keeps on giving in more ways than one. Studies show that pets boost the morale and wellbeing of their owners, and have even been known to benefit them medically and save lives. People who own pets have been shown to be; less stressed, more socially supported, higher activity levels and, have better heart health than those who don’t own pets.
Loneliness and boredom can be cured with the addition of a furry (or scaly, feathered, fluffy) friend. Pets require attention, love, and care which make their caregiver feel; busy, selfless, desired and the tenderness of an unconditional bond.
Companion animals enhance the lives of people everywhere, every day. Apart from the physical benefits (such as economical); they provide support, guidance and the feeling of protection and safety. Their involvement in celebrations, family gatherings, and household activities elevates the companion to a “member of the family” status.
Growing up with animals can improve your immune system and reduces the chance of allergies. Pet owners are known to deal with grief and loss better and experience more empathy towards others.
Higher self-esteem levels have been linked to those who experience the presence of animals; especially among children. This is because of the increased social skills and confidence found in the majority of pet owners.
Pets provide love and create strong bonds with their owner, not to mention the fun and sparkle they add to everyday life, and who can say no to that. Contact the RSPCA can be a great win-win situation in giving a needy animal a home, when you are adding a new member to the family!
Article by Sierra Fairfull