Insomnia refers to the inability to sleep; the difficulty with falling asleep or staying asleep.
There are three stages of insomnia.
- Transient insomnia lasts for a week or less and is caused by things such as stress or a change in environment.
- Acute insomnia lasts for approximately a month and has various causes, such as a significant life trauma or emotional discomfort.
- Chronic insomnia lasts for an extended period and may be caused by depression, pain or anxiety.
If you evaluate your sleeping habit, there are probably a few changes you could make to achieve the beauty sleep you desire! If after you’ve tried these steps you are still struggling to get a good night’s sleep, have a look at the Sleep Edition course; it’s full of practical information to help you achieve your goal.
Step-by-step guide:
- Meditate before bed! Over-thinking is a common cause of insomnia. If you take the time to unwind and meditate to resolve your daily thoughts, it becomes easier to quieten the mind.
- Keep a consistent sleep pattern. Have a regular bedtime to get your body clock into the habit of knowing when it is ‘awake time’ and ‘sleep time.’
- Stay away from the caffeine! Caffeine is a central nervous system and metabolic stimulant and is designed to speed everything up.
- Create a peaceful atmosphere in your sleeping space. Make sure that you are comfortable and in a quiet environment. You may decide to promote a restful ambience through a particular temperature, pleasant scent or strength of light.
- Maintain the rule of no electronics in your sleeping space. It is important to keep the electrical energy out of your peaceful domain. Also, it is recommended not to use any electrical devices an hour before you intend to sleep.
- Steer clear of heavy or sugary foods leading up to your bedtime (at least one hour). It takes your body a lot of work to process the food and disrupts you from your focus of sleeping.
- Do activities that make you feel relaxed before you go to bed. Writing in your journal or reading a book can be pleasant examples of ways to unwind and steady your thoughts.