Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Presence is when we are connected to our natural state of love. In this state, we radiate calm, warmth and peace. When we connect to our state of blissful presence, it is easy to connect with others, to be there for them. When we are present, we are naturally kind and compassionate. When we have been with someone who is in a state of presence—when we are struggling or having a difficult time—we often come away feeling elevated or clearer. When we feel connected and whole within ourselves, our loving presence helps others to sense their loving presence within.
As presence feels so good, what is it that prevents us from feeling present consistently? The instability that our thoughts and emotions can create can block our sense of presence. Our thoughts feed our emotions. If we are repeatedly thinking life is hard and difficult, then emotionally, we can feel sad or even depressed. Alternatively, if we think life is wonderful, we can feel happy and full of joy. When we are caught up in the cycle of going between negative and positive thoughts, we experience the duality of life. Duality is a concept from the wisdom of ancient India and refers to the opposing nature of things: pleasure and pain, right and wrong, joy and grief, for example.
Duality engages you in life constantly dancing between opposite forces, such as feeling happy and sad. When you feel happy, you feel good, and when you feel sad, you usually strive to make yourself feel happy again. The dance between opposing forces usually involves struggle and pain. It is when we learn to go beyond thought into a space of calm and stillness that we experience presence.
To create presence:
1. Learn to observe your thoughts and emotions in a non-judgemental way. Meditation is a wonderful tool for this as it creates space for you to observe your mind. Activities that get you “out of your head” and into your body can also give you a sense of presence. When your mind is busy or full, it creates tension in your body and it is harder to observe and know what is going on. Any activities such as sport, gardening or hobbies, that create space and free your mind allow you to observe or witness, connecting you to your natural state of presence.
2. In daily life, if you perceive” others” as a source of negativity it can keep you feeling trapped in a disconnected state. There are no others—everything you experience is determined by your state of mind. If you perceive the world as negative or if you feel “others” are behaving negatively towards you, ask yourself: “What am I thinking now?” Chances are, you are letting negative thoughts creep into your inner world. Consciously choosing to let go of thought, even for short periods of time, allows you to relax and presence to flow.
3. Anytime, anywhere, you can choose to rest in a state of presence beyond thought and emotions. Feel your body begin to relax and open. Feel the alive state of joy that is all around you all the time when you make the shift and choose to live a life of presence.
To discover more about how to be present see Bliss Every Day eCourse