7 Common Relationship Myths That Might Surprise You!
Myth #1: Men fall for the good looking women
Actually no, while good looks are definitely an advantage, they are not the most essential quality a guy is looking for. A decent guy is attracted to a woman who is comfortable within herself.
Myth #2: Intelligence, being funny and easy going will make the guys more attracted to you
Well no, once again these are great qualities, but men fall for women who are authentic, and being themselves, and not trying to impress. Women who follow their intuition and are able to set firm boundaries when they are uncomfortable with certain behaviours are much more appealing to men.
Myth #3: Doing his washing, cooking his favourite meal and cleaning up after him will help him realise what a great catch you are
“Mothering” is not sexy and a turn-off for most guys. You might be happy to throw in his washing while doing a load for yourself as long as you remember to be mindful of whether you are smothering him or doing it for the right reasons. Of course, in a long term relationship, you may be happy to do more of the home duties if he is working more, however, its best to let him take care of himself unless he asks for your help and really appreciates your efforts.
Myth #4: Organising your time together and date nights will make him more attracted to you
Men like to be in charge, and they love the thrill of the chase so make sure, in the beginning especially, that he is doing most of the organising.
Myth #5: You have to have sex if you want to keep him
Extensive research shows that men are more attracted to women who make them wait, even the players, or perhaps I should say especially the players. Making it clear to him that you only have sex when you are in a committed relationship (if that’s what you want ) will make him want to stick around. If he doesn’t he was chasing you for the wrong reasons.
Myth #6: It is okay to be the one who initiates contact, texting him often and calling him, after all, he’s busy
No, let him do the work, this way he is more inclined to stay interested.
Myth #7 Make him your no 1 priority, your girlfriends will understand.
No, men like women who are self-sufficient and have a life outside the relationship. Making him a no 1 priority at the exclusion of your friends can appear needy and insecure. Friends are important, and you never know when you might need them so make them a priority also..
I really hope this is helpful and please pass on to your girlfriends and daughters because it might save them a lot of heartache!