Exercising doesn’t have to involve lifting heavy weights at the gym or running for hours on the treadmill. It depends on what you are aiming to achieve with exercise and building stronger relationships can certainly be a benefit. Exercising together can be a wonderful opportunity to introduce fitness to your children. Getting your family together for an evening walk in the park has loads of benefits. Exercising together allows you to have an opportunity to communicate and bond with your child, to keep your family’s health on track as well as have fun!
1. Post-dinner Walk and Talk
Short walks after a dinner meal help everyone with better digestion and sleep for that night. Maintaining a consistent walking pace with your family builds a sense of teamwork and well-being. Strolling around the neighbourhood or walking around the park is a perfect way to start a conversation with your family. Preferably somewhere between twenty to fifty minutes is considered the recommended walking time, depending on the age of your family members.
2. Weekly Sports Night
The sports that you like maybe not the most enjoyable for your children. Keep in mind that you are trying to build better bond and relationship with your child. Consider exercise that is child-friendly but is also a little challenging for you and your partner. A good example is family exercise cards, purchased on the internet or local toy stores. Check that the difficulty level suits your child’s age. Light ‘catch ball’ is another exercise that gets everyone involved at a local park or backyard.
3. Gardening Sports
Kids love dirt. Digging up dirt, making all sorts of stuff with dirt, and getting their hands really dirty. Research reveals that kids who spend more time in a natural environment are bound to have a stronger immune system and less chance of allergies compared to those who didn’t. Planting seedlings or watering the garden will teach your child the value of nature. Creating a sport out of gardening is easy—split into teams and compete for which team finishes its gardening task with speed and quality! Try to communicate and explain why it’s important to preserve and value nature.
Emotional Benefits
In today’s world, many people are lost in their own thoughts and which can make communication more challenging. However, it is possible to learn how to connect and overcome any boundaries between you and your family members. Time together is one of the most important factors that facilitate this process. A jog or leisurely stroll together gives you the opportunity to focus on things you need to talk about, sharing your wisdom and experience the joy of seeing the world through your children’s eyes. Quality, connected time with your family can fill your heart with joy and connects you to your innate sense of happiness and contentment. It doesn’t get much better than that!
Physical Benefits
Families who exercise with their children on a regular basis not only become more healthy but strengthen the family bond. The author of 24 parenting, Sylvia Rimm says, “exercise not only improves health but increases self-confidence and reduces anxiety in children.” Regular exercise can be a solution to reducing national obesity levels while decreasing family instability issues. Exercising as a family does not have to be time-consuming or complicated. Fun and creativity are the keys while encouraging all family members to be involved in enhancing their sense of belonging and well-being.
Want to dive deeper? Click here to learn about the joy of family connection and how it can uplift your life.
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