Photo 166 of 217 in Wall Photos

Your body WANTS YOU TO BE HAPPY AND HEALTHY. It constantly gives you clues if you are off track. All you have to do is LISTEN.

Listening can be hard sometimes, as you may feel exhausted, overwhelmed, or stressed. A "noisy" mind, can make it difficult to hear.

However, when you feel this way it is important to take a moment to be kind to yourself and listen within. Closing your eyes can make it easier.

Tune into how you REALLY feel.
You may need:
• more rest (fun fact: did you know that humans are the only species that often choose to "push on" when they are tired, rather than getting much-needed sleep),
• to validate and accept how things are for you at that moment
• to make changes in your relationship or career.

When you are kind and listen to yourself from a loving place, the right answers for you will present themselves.

Blisspot Wellbeing's Album: Wall Photos