Experience the joy of creating your life as an expression of what you love to do. Find out what you love to do; what comes effortlessly to you, and what it is you would do even if you weren’t going to get paid for it. When you discover what it is that gets you enthusiastically jumping out of bed every day; you are in line with your life’s purpose; what it is that brings meaning to your life. Chances are if it brings meaning to your life, it will make a difference to others too.
It is possible that you may be currently engaging in a career that is not your life’s purpose. However, it is entirely possible to work towards doing what you love to do. When you have tapped into your life’s purpose, you will have the energy and find the means to make it happen. You will be naturally excited and develop creative ways to do the work that you enjoy. Developing a plan and starting study at night or doing work experience are examples of what you can do to get one step closer to living your true passion. If you are not excited and enthusiastic about your job, most of the time, it is a sign you are in the wrong job for you!
It can be easy to compromise on your life’s purpose for your children or partner, for example, by being the best you can be, you are inspiring others to live their life on purpose.
Step-by-step guide :
1. Recognise the signs: if you are not living your life on purpose, such as; feelings of discontent, a short temper or persistent health problems. Your body can be a barometer in how you are feeling. Nagging headaches every time you go to work could mean that you are not in the right job for you.
2. Think about what it is that you love to do: what comes effortlessly to you—what you would do for fun. This is how work can become play. It can be helpful to look at what brought you joy and happiness as a child.
3. Write out a list of things that nourish your soul: regarding career, relationships, finances, health, and spiritual matters. Being a journalist can be a fantastic tool to give you clarity. Don’t think, just write.
4. Aim to work in an environment that excites you: according to Morgan Lovell: “For more than three-quarters (79%), working in a buzzy office is a key consideration when looking for a new job, with laughter (50%) and conversation (42%) considered the key drivers of this intangible quality. Ensure that your life is filled with love, fun and laughter and that particularly relates to your work environment too, as you often spend more time there, than you do at home.
5. Develop your gifts and talents: through training if necessary, so that they have value in the marketplace. For example, you may love art, so doing a graphic design course may be appropriate for you to evolve your talent into a marketable item.
6. If you are stuck: there are many; books, internet sites, sophisticated testing systems, and life coaches that can help you discover what it is you love to do.
7. Create a long-term plan: to achieving the life you want. Maybe your goals aren’t as far out of reach as you thought!