Jogging daily can improve your heart, lungs and bones, but there are some drawbacks. Jogging every day without adequate recovery time will overwork your body, which increases the likelihood of injury, accidents and muscle strain. By having an exercise schedule and moderated jogging sessions, you can get the most out of jogging regularly and cut down the associated risks. Studies have shown that regular running can cut your risk of heart disease by 50 percent and, over time, it will strengthen the cardiovascular system, improving circulation and enabling your heart and lungs to work more efficiently.
I don’t believe in jogging. It extends your life—
But by exactly the amount of the time you spend in jogging
~Marshall Brickman

Common Mistakes
It’s common for runners to make some mistakes when it comes to proper running and jogging form. These include putting too much bounce into your run, taking strides that are too large, landing too hard on your feet or failing to use your arms to propel you forward. Other common technique problems include jogging at a slower pace than when walking or twisting excessively from side to side. If possible, observe yourself running in a mirror or ask your partner to watch you jog. If you observe these technique errors, take steps to correct them.
Lower-Body Form
Your hips and legs — especially your powerful quadriceps — help propel you forward. You should not experience a lot of side to side hip or waist movement. This prevents you from twisting the back. Keep the back straight and relaxed and, while you may naturally lean slightly forward to avoid lower back pain, do not hinge forward too far at the waist.
Upper-Body Form
The final part of a proper running form is in your chest, arms, head and shoulders. If you keep the back relaxed, this will help relax the shoulders as well. Bend your arms at your elbows, moving the arms comfortably from the shoulders. You can hold your palms in, and if you prefer to make a fist, refrain from letting the fist tighten, as this can affect your breathing. Your head should rest over your neck with your eyes looking forward, not down on the ground.
Breathing through your mouth and allowing your diaphragm to lift and retract for deep “belly breathing” will enhance your endurance. The bonus of diaphragmatic breathing is, that when you exhale, your abs contract and give your midsection a little isometric workout. If erratic breathing is your bugaboo, then practice breathing patterns. Inhale as you take two steps and exhale for the next two. Depending on your lung capacity, you may be able to stretch those inhalations and exhalations over more than two steps.

Emotional Benefits
One of the mental benefits of jogging and running is acquiring confidence on an upward scale. Boosting one’s morale is one of the best things that these exercises can do; this is a very positive response and effect on people who know how to keep their bodies and mind on track. Good body, coupled with a sane mind is best.
Physical Benefits
Jogging for at least one hour per week can add several years to your life. A recent Copenhagen City Heart study published in the “European Society of Cardiology” presented data that revealed jogging regularly can increase life expectancy by five to six years in men and women. Heart specialist Dr Peter Schnohr and his colleagues concluded that between one and two and a half hours a week of moderately intense jogging was ideal for longevity.