Leadership Support to Create a Positive Work Culture

culturally diverse group communicates in co working room
by Blisspot Wellbeing

Good leadership sets the tone of workplace climate and culture. The vibe of the workplace comes from the top down. Some people have a natural ability to be effective leaders, while for others the ability to lead is less natural. If a leader feels under significant pressure, this can affect their sense of well-being and happiness; affecting the mood of the workplace, productivity and profits.

A “for profit” business has to focus on profitability to survive. However, when leaders pay attention solely on profit, passion and empathy within the business can be compromised. This can adversely affect the business. If team members do not feel they are working in a supportive, safe environment where they are valued, their commitment to the business can decrease, and as a result, productivity can decline. This vicious cycle can be exemplified during challenging economic times.

During challenging times, it’s more important than ever to take a step back to self-examine your leadership style. It is important to identify unhealthy habits and replace them with strategies that will ensure job satisfaction, for both the leader and for their teams.

corporate culture

Create a Positive Culture by:

1.  Engaging in your Passion

If you are not leading a business that you are passionate about, then you are in the wrong business. When you love what you do, you are more likely to have a clear vision and be able to communicate it articulately, engaging the heart and minds of your team. The follow on from the businesses vision is a clear mission and goals, ensuring the people who work for the company are the best ‘fit’ for the business. When people naturally desire to achieve the same goals as the company they are working for, they are automatically motivated, creating a vibrant and buoyant workplace.

If as a leader you are passionate about your business but still feel overwhelmed, levelling up on your skills is the answer. Improving your skills is likely to relieve stress as you implement new and more effective ways of handling the same situation you previously found difficult.

Finding a relevant book, course or mentor can provide a wealth of knowledge to assist in increasing your confidence and satisfaction in the workplace.

positive teams

2.  Engaging the Team

A company is more likely to be more productive and therefore more profitable when employees feel trusted and respected in making important contributions. When leaders demonstrate congruency and authenticity within the business, this will create an environment of trust and safety within the workplace allowing employees to thrive.

Take the time to show you value your employees with praise and encouragement to increase self-esteem and motivation. If, as a leader, you feel certain employees could do better, dedicate some time towards them to find out where they need support or training. Give them the message that even though they may be struggling that you believe in them and that they are a valued part of the company. Let them know you want to invest in them and their progression. As they grow and add value to the company, the company will grow too.

Leaders and team members with common company goals can grow together to create a high-performance team. When challenges occur, there is an opportunity for leaders to adopt a new perspective on the way things are done and find more effective, efficient ways to collective success.

Leadership is a privilege and an honour; an opportunity to engage with the hearts and minds of your team. In drawing on their passion, you can create a workplace of creativity, inspiration, and sustainability where everyone wins. Businesses’ can be fun, engaging and profitable, having a flow on effect to creating happy family environments and communities.

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