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How can I make my long distance relationship work with my boyfriend? He's away for a year on exchange and I feel like we're slowly drifting apart. What should I do? 

Posted By Sarah Mitchell in Relationships on August 24, 2017

Answers: 3 • Score: 4 • Views: 4866
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    Best piece of advice that I can give you is to accept that during this year, you will not communicate as much as you'd like to with your partner. Although I recommend setting up weekly video chats and always making sure that you see how the both of you are going, both of you will be busy. Understanding that this lack of communication is not drifting but just a natural thing for long distance relationships will reassure you. I guarantee that at the end of the year, your relationship will be as strong as it's ever been.

    Jacob Souza on August 24, 2017

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    “If you want to live together, you first need to learn how to live apart.” - My girlfriend and I lived apart for 14months while she was on a job contract. 11 years later we are married with 2 children and one more on the way. This will be good for the both of you, and will test how much you both end up loving each other. 


    Anitta Deng on August 24, 2017

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    Hi! I know this has already been answered, but I felt like I could help out a little more. I've been with my boyfriend for 11 years now, and we've lived apart most of that time. When it comes to security, I think it's important that you first establish a trust before any separation. Do you communicate with him regularly? How do you keep up with each other? Being able to answer these questions will better help figure out the best way to keep things interesting for the two of you, no matter how long you're apart. :) All the best!

    Olivia on September 5, 2017

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