Adrian Hank's "word for good" (from our good vibes series) is "Joy".
Adrian says "Joy is the ultimate state to be in .. I love this word".
I could not agree more, joy elevates you and lifts you up. Helping you to see the best in yourself and others.
What and who brings Joy into your life?
Joy is our birthright, yet stress sadly is the world's leading cause of disability right now, according to the World Health Organisation. This is an opportunity for great and positive change.
The planet really, really needs more joy right now to balance and uplift during a widespread challenging time. The journey begins with ourselves and even if it is the smallest action or positive deed, we all have the capacity to make a positive difference.
Please feel free to add your favorite "word for good" and we will make it into a post for you to spread more good vibes on the planet.