How often do you achieve all that you want to in a day? Perhaps you don’t always go to bed with that desired sense of satisfaction.
Something I often see with my clients is that they are striving to be peak performers. Due to the daily pressure they put themselves under, their sleep is impacted – perhaps not is such obvious or direct ways, but it is affected none the less.
It might surprise you how often sleep problems are not rooted in the sleep itself, but somewhere else in your 24 hours.
Too much on your list
One of the most common things I see with my clients is that they take on way too much. They say yes to too many things, and can’t get everything done.
If you are somebody who does this, then perhaps you find you are always helping others too. You may need to get your priorities in check.
Pause and think about what you really want to prioritise for yourself – and one of those things might be improving your sleep.
Planning ahead
Whether we are talking about your daily to-do list, or the overarching priorities in your life, fitting it all in makes a big difference to how you feel at bedtime.
Getting proactive and diarising a week ahead is something I do myself, and I encourage my clients to do something similar that will work for them. And this isn’t just about work and responsibilities – we need balance in our lives. So factor in sleep, social time and relaxation too.
You don’t have to do every single thing by yourself. If you are part of a team at work — why not try asking for help when you need it?
When your job list (and those worries about it) never ends, you rarely get into bed and get to sleep in the time you had planned for. Taking a few things off your plate can really go a long way.
Something to help you
Even if you don’t struggle with sleep continuously, planning your time well will help to improve the amount and quality of sleep that you have, sending you off to bed with a greater sense of achievement from each day.
To learn more about sleep see: The 10 Day Sleep Challenge