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Hi I am new to meditation and yoga just checking out your site to see if sign up .I notice meditation are usually long and in parts do you do all together or one each day. And every day or one off or when needed. I am doing short 15 minutes 2 daily at moment 

Posted By Scott Caldicott in Self Care on April 6, 2021

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    Hi Scott,

    Welcome to Blisspot and they are all great questions. As we as running Blisspot I also teach meditation, and would be happy to answer your questions. 

    I would recommend two meditations per day, one in the morning, to set your mindset for the day, and one in the evening to wind down before you go to bed. Then of course you can always do a top up whenever you need.

    With the Blisspot Meditations, they are of all different lengths to suit different requirements. The sleep meditations are often longer, allowing the meditator to unwind and go into deep sleep.

    Some of the shorter meditations (around 5 to 15 mins) can be seen here: 

    • The WorkDay Meditation Pack:
    • Relax with Yogi Bryan Meditations:
    • Stress Less Focus More Meditations:
    • Focus and Success Meditations:
    • Fostering Relaxation Meditations:
    • Fostering Connection Meditations:

    I hope this helps and please let me know if you have any further questions.

    Happy meditating 


    Deborah Tyson on April 6, 2021

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