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How do I develop the confidence to go on dates again if I have not been dating for a long time?

Posted By Blisspot Wellbeing in Relationships on June 18, 2016

Answers: 2 • Score: 3 • Views: 4330
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    Value yourself and ensure that you're are exuding a positive self-image. This starts with awareness of out inner world and how you see yourself. Become aware of your self-talk and ensure that it supports you in a positive way. Recognise your beautiful inner light and wisdom. Put your best foot forward and care about creating a great first impression. Put effort into your appearance, while recognising the most appealing quality to others, is about being yourself. When you have not been dating for a while, you may have lots of advantages, including knowing yourself better, than when you were younger for example. Age can be a blessing as you can bring an inviting sense of self-assuredness to the relationship. Be confident in yourself and know your positives, people are drawn to positive energy.

    Go to places and events that reflect your interests and passions. When you meet people there you will have something in common to talk about, a great foundation to build on. Online dating can be a great way to get to know others in a staged, non-threatening way. You can build up a rapport with someone online before you actually meet.

    It is possible to find love, anywhere at anytime. Believe in yourself and take steps to connect with someone special in your life. 

    Blisspot Wellbeing on August 10, 2016

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    it can be really intimidating to get back on the dating scene if it's been a while since you've last gone on a date. 

    What I find really helps when I go on dates is to place less pressure on the outcome of the date. Instead, I just see it as an opportunity to meet someone new, have fun and hopefully connect with the person I'm seeing. However, because I don't put too much pressure on the outcomes of the date itself, I don't feel disappointed if my date and I decide not to pursue each other on a second date - I put it down to just not clicking with them. This may feel like a bit of a let down, but I remind myself of the fact that life has its own way of working things out. There is always a reason for why things turn out the way they do, and the same applies to any dates that may not go the way you initially hoped for.

    Try and go into each date with a 'no expectations mindset.' This will help take the pressure off both you and your date. This attitude will transfer into your date itself and both you and your date will be able to relax and show your true selves.

    Johan Muller on August 30, 2017

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