Community Q&A

What do I do if my child is addicted to technology?

Posted By Blisspot Wellbeing in Parenting on June 18, 2016

Answer: 1 • Score: 2 • Views: 3800
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    It is important to set very firm time limits around the use of technology and the appropriate content, right from when your child starts using technology. If children cannot respect the limits and the guidelines you have set for they will need to have consequences such at being banned from technology altogether, until they can respect the rules.

    My son was addicted to technology and went away to a father-son camp where he was immersed in fresh air and the natural beauty of life. He came back and said he was going to sell his gaming computer of his own accord. He has never looked back in terms of the quality of his life improving since he decided to stop gaming on his computer altogether.

    Blisspot Wellbeing on August 10, 2016

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