Photo 30 of 30 in Wall Photos

Really thrilled to be discussing this topic with you all this week.
One area I want to discuss at the Masterclass is the empowerment that comes from saying 'No'!

In my Confidence Coaching practice, I work with women on this all the time. They are people-pleasers or have allowed their boundaries to slip and they find they have trouble saying No!

Empowered women know their boundaries, are confident in what they can and can't do and maintain their values... AND they are practiced at saying No! And it really is practice so start small but start saying no to things that you know you don't really want to do.

The actual word 'N..O..' is sometimes too challenging for people to start with so I created a list of 30+ ways you can say no without saying no. 😆 I find clients are more comfortable starting with other statements so, have a look at the list and pick one or two that are more comfortable to say. As you start re-instating your boundaries, and those around you start getting used to you not always being a 'Yes person', then you will increase your confidence to be able to use more definitive statements. You will work your way up to be able to just say the word 'No' or 'No, thankyou' without giving a reason and without feeling guilty.

I hope this helps you feel more empowered!

x Jodie
Rise Women

Jodie Bruce-Clarke's Album: Wall Photos

1 comment
  • Deborah Tyson likes this
  • Deborah Tyson
    Deborah Tyson Thankyou Jodie, what a generous gift. I will certainly be checking it out! Saying NO is such an important skill in being true to ourselves and can certainly be done in a kind way to maintain connection in relationships
    March 14, 2022