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I'm a father of two beautiful girls and one newborn baby boy. Being a father is the greatest thing that has happened to me, but I am scared of how I will deal with juggling three children, a mortgage, a wife and my own happiness. Any help?

Posted By Ishai Sharma in Parenting on August 24, 2017

Answers: 2 • Score: 3 • Views: 3986
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    Hi Ishai

    Firstly, congratulations on your new born, I hope you cherish this time when they are young. My father was in a similar situation as yourself, had four children a full on career and a wife of course. Throughout my life he always taught me to make sure that you set aside some time for your own happiness, and for him, it was golf with his group of friends on Saturday morning. 

    A mortgage nowadays is almost impossible to avoid, and the most important thing is that you are able to provide an education for your children, a home and food. 

    In regards to your wife, make sure to keep the spark there. This could mean setting date nights, making sure that both of you still have a strong connection even with your busy lives. 


    I hope this helps!

    Johan Muller on September 14, 2017

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    Hi Ishai

    Firstly, congratulations on your new born, I hope you cherish this time when they are young. My father was in a similar situation as yourself, had four children a full on career and a wife of course. Throughout my life he always taught me to make sure that you set aside some time for your own happiness, and for him, it was golf with his group of friends on Saturday morning. 

    A mortgage nowadays is almost impossible to avoid, and the most important thing is that you are able to provide an education for your children, a home and food. 

    In regards to your wife, make sure to keep the spark there. This could mean setting date nights, making sure that both of you still have a strong connection even with your busy lives. 


    I hope this helps!

    Johan Muller on September 14, 2017

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