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I lost my job a couple of months ago and I am struggling to find a new one. The job searching process is really knocking my confidence. How do I put myself out there without taking everything personally? 

Posted By Aby Williamson in Mind on August 22, 2017

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    Hi Aby

    I in the past have been let and were in the same situation. Not having a job can be one of the scariest feelings that I have personally encountered. Some of the tips that I was told, and that were extremely helpful were:

    1. Don't Panic: You are not the only one in this situation, many people around the world are struggling to put their front food back into the workforce with the same fears that you are having now. This is a natural feeling to have but letting go of ones own panic is beneficial to letting go and allowing oneself to go back to normality.

    2. Review your life: When I was let go of my job, I was told by many to think about my life, was I truly happy with what I was doing in my previous job? When I began thinking of what I was doing, I realised that I had another true passion, and 8 years later I am now in a completely different industry and much more happy with my life.


    At times life will throw you curve balls, and it is up to you to learn how to deal with it. Only you are responsible for your own life. 


    Hope this helped and I wish you all the best!

    Steph Parras on August 30, 2017

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